How to Vet a Dog Patrolling Company Before Hiring

When hiring a dog patrolling company for security, it's crucial to ensure they meet your specific needs and provide reliable, professional services. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you vet a dog patrolling company effectively:

1. Evaluate Their Experience and Reputation

Key Considerations:

  • Years in Business: Look for companies with a proven track record in dog patrolling.

  • Client Testimonials: Check for reviews and testimonials from previous clients.

  • Industry Experience: Ensure they have experience with similar types of events or properties.

Questions to Ask:

  • How long have you been in the dog patrolling business?

  • Can you provide references or case studies from past clients?

  • What types of events or properties have you serviced?

2. Verify the Training and Certification of Their Dogs

Key Considerations:

  • Training Programs: Confirm that their dogs undergo rigorous training programs.

  • Certification: Check if the dogs are certified by recognized authorities.

  • Specialization: Ensure the dogs are trained for the specific security needs you have (e.g., crowd control, threat detection).

Questions to Ask:

  • What training programs do your dogs undergo?

  • Are your dogs certified by any professional organizations?

  • Do your dogs have experience in handling the types of threats relevant to my needs?

3. Assess the Qualifications of Their Handlers

Key Considerations:

  • Experience: Handlers should have significant experience working with security dogs.

  • Certification: Handlers should have relevant certifications and training.

  • Communication Skills: They should be able to effectively communicate with both the dog and clients.

Questions to Ask:

  • What qualifications and certifications do your handlers have?

  • How experienced are your handlers in managing security situations?

  • Can you provide examples of how handlers have successfully managed past events?

4. Review Their Security Approach and Procedures

Key Considerations:

  • Risk Assessment: Check if they conduct thorough risk assessments before deploying their services.

  • Patrolling Strategy: Understand their patrolling strategy and how they manage different scenarios.

  • Emergency Protocols: Ensure they have clear protocols for emergency situations.

Questions to Ask:

  • How do you assess the security risks for my specific needs?

  • What is your patrolling strategy for different types of events?

  • What emergency protocols do you have in place?

5. Confirm Insurance and Liability Coverage

Key Considerations:

  • Insurance: Ensure they have adequate insurance coverage for their services and any potential liabilities.

  • Liability: Understand what their liability coverage includes and any limitations.

Questions to Ask:

  • What type of insurance coverage do you have for your services?

  • Can you provide proof of insurance?

  • What does your liability coverage include?

6. Compare Pricing and Contracts

Key Considerations:

  • Cost Transparency: Ensure they provide a clear breakdown of costs.

  • Contract Terms: Review the terms of the contract for clarity on services, cancellation policies, and additional fees.

  • Value for Money: Compare their pricing with the services offered to assess overall value.

Questions to Ask:

  • Can you provide a detailed breakdown of costs?

  • What are the terms and conditions of your contract?

  • Are there any additional fees or charges I should be aware of?

7. Check for Compliance with Local Regulations

Key Considerations:

  • Licensing: Verify that the company is licensed and adheres to local regulations and standards.

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure they comply with relevant laws regarding security and animal welfare.

Questions to Ask:

  • Are you licensed to provide security dog services in my area?

  • Do you comply with all local regulations and standards?

  • How do you ensure compliance with animal welfare laws?

8. Request a Demonstration

Key Considerations:

  • Live Demonstration: Request a live demonstration to observe the effectiveness of their dog patrols.

  • Scenario Testing: Test their response to various scenarios that might occur during your event or at your property.

Questions to Ask:

  • Can you provide a live demonstration of your dog patrolling services?

  • How do you handle different security scenarios in practice?

Summary Table

Criteria Details Questions to Ask
Experience and Reputation Years in business, client testimonials, industry experience How long have you been in business? Can you provide references?
Training and Certification Training programs, certification, specialization What training do your dogs receive? Are they certified?
Handler Qualifications Experience, certifications, communication skills What are the qualifications of your handlers?
Security Approach Risk assessment, patrolling strategy, emergency protocols How do you assess risks? What is your patrolling strategy?
Insurance and Liability Coverage Insurance coverage, liability limits What insurance do you carry? Can you provide proof?
Pricing and Contracts Cost transparency, contract terms, additional fees Can you provide a cost breakdown? What are the contract terms?
Compliance with Regulations Licensing, legal compliance Are you licensed? How do you ensure compliance?
Demonstration Live demonstration, scenario testing Can you provide a demonstration? How do you handle scenarios?

By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can ensure that you hire a dog patrolling company that meets your security needs and provides a high level of service and protection.

At Intraguard , we deliver a full range of security solutions throughout the UK. Our services include professional patrolling, manned guarding, reception management, and advanced CCTV systems, complemented by skilled guard dog patrols to address diverse sector requirements.


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